06 May 2010

Say what? I wanna ride...

So wow, this day has been a true emotional rollercoaster today!  I went to work really pretty groggy, but I was determined to make it a good day.  And it was: everything was relatively quiet (or as much so as it can be in a metal shop!), so I was happy there.  It was really nice out - sunny and about 76° out (ya know I love that!) and then I got a "greenlight" on an article  I submitted on fark.com!  This may not mean anything to most of you, but it's pretty cool to me - the headline that I submitted was chosen to be on the main page of this website, to be read by literally thousands of people worldwide!  That's just pretty darn cool to me!

Anyway, that "high" was kinda brought down by the news that the sale of  KFUO, Classic 99, the only classical music station in the entire area (and only one of about 20 or so in the entire nation) has been approved by the FCC.  This really hurt me.  I'm a HUGE fan of classical music, but more importantly I'm a huge fan of people being able to have exposure to classical music, and the arts in general.  The station was sold to Joy FM, a contemporary Christian radio station.  Now I do consider myself a Christian, so just the general fact that it was a Christian station does not bother me.  What does bother me is the fact that Classic 99 is (was) the only, ONLY station in town broadcasting classical music, while there are several contemporary Christian channels, as well as gospel and other religious channels.   This was the only exposure a majority of people had to classical music and the arts, really.  I mean I can listen to different stations online, or a few stations on XM satellite radio, but a lot of people don't have those options, and KFUO was the only outlet for classical music, and that kind of education, period. 

So, after that down, I got a call from my sister, Jo Beth, who lives in Chicago.  She had some really big news!  She's decided to go back to school to get her masters in counseling, and also, just a little side note: she's getting married!  This came as a complete shock, really!  So, this news did two things - 1) put me in a better mood again, and 2) gave me the idea for my stroke today!

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