21 February 2010

Um, yeah - I can kinda see it...

So I still have a lot to learn about painting techniques - that's why I'm taking classes.  I've gotta figure out how to make a straight line with my knife, but I've gotta be able to do it in one stroke, so that may be a not-so-easy task. 

I was wanting to do a straight-ish line in the burnt umber, because people keep telling me it looks to them like a skier tucked down in the downhill position.  I figured I might try to make a ski pole.  Oh, well.  Maybe I'll have to do it in a series of very small strokes on the edge of the knife.  Maybe I'll see something completely different tomorrow and just forget that whole idea! :-)

I think that once again I'm overthinking things.  I need some new inspiration.  It may be that I'm tired, too - didn't get my full beauty rest last night, ya know!  And with no cat nap today, I think it's probably about time to hit the hay.  If you see anything else - even little stuff - drop me a note here!  Night night, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    You are overthinking it. Is it a rule that you have to use the knife each time? Maybe try something else to make a straight line...think outside the brush, so to speak :)
