05 February 2010



So, back in the day - okay, I'll start over.  Up until a few years ago, really, I wasn't much of a sports fan.  I didn't have anything against sports, I just didn't pay much attention.My high school  didn't have football, so I didn't have any exposure to that, really (by the way, now if I wanna root for the "home team", I'm forced to root for Southwest's old rivals, the Cassville Wildcats.  That's really not so bad, though, as they've been State 3A champs the last two years!  W00T!)   I would watch Cardinals games whenever it happened to be on TV, I occasionally watched a football game, and I remember watching SMSU (it will always be Southwest Missouri State University to me - it'll be a cold day in hell before I call it "Missouri State"!) in the NCAA tournament in the late 80s.  I can still see the other team's guy running around in small circles, dribbling the ball, to tick off the last few seconds of the game to knock SMS out of the tournament, as well as ticking me off, which in itself is funny, since I obviously wasn't that big a sports fan.  Apparently I'm just too competitive.  I get very upset, especially these days, if my team loses!  This is a very bad thing if you're a Rams fan.  Not so bad being a Sooners fan, because they're usually pretty good.  As long as they beat Texas and Oklahoma State, I'm okay.

Back to the point: I always enjoyed going to the occasional basketball game back in the day, but it was usually just tip off or homecoming - the big games - and maybe a couple more here and there, if there was a dance afterward - gotta shake that tailfeather, don't ya know.  Right.  Anyway, now that I am a big sports fan, and thanks to Facebook, Myspace, etc., I'm in touch with more people from my old high school (Southwest R-V, Washburn, MO - home of the Trojans, thank you for asking), and I'm able to stay on top of the basketball team's wins and losses.  Thanks to Cindy Wright, by the way, for keeping me up to date on Facebook - we're 16 - 2!  Doing really great!  Hope they beat the Eagles tonight (Purdy, not Philadelphia)!

I guess you've probably figured out by now that I wrote all this to tell you that in honor of my alma mater (which doesn't, as far as I can remember, have a school song) I went with a crimson and black stroke today.  Our colors were actually red and black, but I thought this looked better.  At least today.  Now to come up with a school song for us.  How about this little ditty!  Enjoy the wonder that is Bobcat Goldthwaite!

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