23 July 2010

Jenny's pretty "smudge"...

So I got home today after enduring another day of heat indexes of at least 110° (probably more in the shop, plus the lack of airflow makes it even worse!).  That kinda heat just takes so much out of you!  I just came in and laid on the couch in the AC for a little while.  That felt so-o-o-o-o-o good!

As I was laying there, Jenny told me about her day, and showed me a couple of cute little things she found at Michael's, a craft supply store.  She'd been kind of toying with the idea of having some sort of a get-together to showcase all of her creations - her little girl's dresses, her cards, and most importantly, her cupcakes!

Cupcakes are definitely en vogue right now - there are places that specialize in "designer cupcakes" - we're talking big bucks here, folks!  For the record, I was perusing the cupcakes in that link, and lemme tell ya - if that's what they're going all gaga for in the Big Apple, Jenny could make a friggin' killing!  Hers blow those away!

Anyway, like I said, she'd been thinking about having some sort of a party to show her wares, but really didn't know if she should, but when she was strolling through Michaels, there was a little bundle of  little napkins with a design on it almost identical to a little picture she draws on all of her creations - a daisy.  So, she took this as a sign, and started buying as many of those napkins as she could.  I'm sure we'll be having a "tasting" or something to that effect really soon around these parts.    I'll let you know!

So since I was so impressed with her motivation, and how happy she was about this turn of events, I thought I'd also let her pick tonight's colors: her favorite purple and pink!   And there ya have it.  I'm gonna go over to my buddy Dan's house to play some music with some old friends.  Oughta be fun - I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, I'm sure!

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