23 December 2010

You wanted the best? You got, well, a short blog entry...

Well, here in a couple of hours, Christmas, Part Deux will start!  My sister, Jo Beth and her husband, Robert are en route to St. Louis from Chicago - Yay!  I'm looking forward to seeing them , even if it will only be for a few hours this evening and Sunday evening - better than nothing!  I'd love to be able to see them more often - all of my family, really - but you know how it goes with the lack of time, lack of fundage, etc.  Actually I guess we've got all the time we want right now, we just don't have the cash!

I always have a good time with those two.  Jo Beth and I have been the two that were more into the rock and roll kinda lifestyle than the other two.  And Robert and I have a lot of the same tastes in music, and he plays drums and guitar, too, so we always seem to have a lot to talk about.  He is a huge fan of KISS, so I'm kinda looking around to see if I can find some rare footage he hasn't seen yet on the youtubes.  I think I just found some here.  :-)

Anyway, I'm gonna make this short, and do a quick stroke of crimson and black, since I think of those colors when I think of JB and Robert.  Gotta go help Jenny make some grub!  Ta ta!

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