10 December 2010

Maybe I could make it better...

Ya know, there just wasn't a whole lot that happened today, aside from a whole lotta yard work.  I thought maybe it might take us an hour or so to whip through the remainder of the leaves, get everything cleaned up.  Wrong.  5 hours later, we finally called it quits (whether we were finished or not!), so Jenny could get cleaned up to go to her mom's house for a holiday party. 

After that, she left, and I'm here to fend for myself. And I'm not doing a whole lot, except for messing around on these here internets and watching scary movies.  I figure I've written a whole buncha big ol' blog posts lately, so I'm gonna pick a random video (I really love this song - you should check out the rest of their stuff!) off of youtube and tell you I'm picking a random color (actually I picked one, orange, then grabbed the red and yellow to go with my placement - it worked in my deranged brain, but you tell me if it works for you!), and that'll be it for me this evening. 

I'm gonna settle in and watch a classic horror movie: "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".  Everyone always thought this was a big gore-fest.  There's actually very little blood in this film at all - it's all suspense, and the fact that it was "based on a true story" (which we've already determined in a prior post that's pretty much a marketing ploy to get your voyeuristic ass into the theater seats!).  

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