06 December 2010

Okay, campers, rise and shine...

...and don't forget your booties cuz it's COLD out there!  Man, is it ever!  I guess the good thing about the cold (and probably the only good thing, in my opinion) is that it kinda makes us stay in the house and do things.  Things like art.  Both of us have been working our buns off on creating Christmas gifts.  Now, of course I won't go into detail as to what these gifts are, as I'm sure there may be some recipients reading this here blog (at least there better be! :-D).  Suffice to say I think these same recipients will be very happy with what they are receiving.

I also did a little bit of painting of other stuff, too, just playing around with different styles and ways of doing things - something I need to do a lot more of, I just can't afford as many canvases as I'd like.   I'm playing around with different flowers, because 1) they're awful purty, and 2) I know people like purty flowers.  I did this poppy the other night in class:

And the other one I did first, actually - just messing around at the house a couple of hours before class:

I decided today to do a bright pink stroke today just for these little "fludders", as Sweet Pea used to call 'em.   Fludders is good!

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