28 December 2010


Although I've never been there, I like these things about Australia:

The Sydney Opera House.  One day I will go there.  I'll bet it's just absolutely amazing!   There are several Aussie bands I like, too, such as Men At Work, The Little River Band, INXS, and AC/DC.  I'm also fond of the didgeridoo

Shrimp on the barbie.  Not the horrible movie of the same name.  Actually, I've never even seen it, but considering that Cheech Marin stars in it, and it's not a proper Cheech and Chong movie, I'm guessing it sucks.  I'm talking real shrimp, real barbecue.  Yummy!

The Crocodile Dundee movies. Well, I never had the desire to see "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles".  The first two, however, remain towards the top of my guilty pleasure movies.  Love 'em!  Yahoo Serious I never got into, though. 

The boomerang.  Once again, not the movie of the same name, starring Eddie Murphy.  Also not the sister station to Cartoon Network, which shows some of my all-time favorites, like Scooby Doo and the Flintstones.   The actual piece of wood, or whatever, in the shape of a "V" which, when thrown properly, comes right back to you.  That is really cool to me.  I used to have one growing up.  I think I may have gotten it to work right twice. 

Foster's Beer.  You get me an "oilcan" of that, and I'm a happy boy.   

Along those same lines, I love Australian wines.  They've got some of the best in the world, really.  I'm especially a fan of a good Aussie Shiraz.  There are a whole slew of Aussie wines available in the U.S. that are relatively inexpensive, even downright cheap, but still very good.  If you want to try some out, and don't wanna spend a lot, try the Yellowtail line.  Most of them are under $12, some as low as $5 or $6.  Good stuff, Maynard!

The following things happened on this date in Aussie history:

1836 - South Australia, the state, and Adelaide, it's capital are founded. Today they're celebrating the annual holiday called "Proclamation Day".
1932 - Aussie cricketer Jack Blackham dies.
1957 - Anne Sergeant, Aussie netballer (never heard of it, but I'd like to see that) born.
1973 - Alex Dimitriades, actor, is born.
1977 - Rugby player Shane Elford is born.
1978 - Footballer (soccer player) Chris Coyne is born.
1989 - 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Newcastle, South Wales, Australia.  13 people dead.
1991 - Cassandra Harris (no relation, I'm guessing) - actress, dies.
2010 - Dave and Jen Harris (relation) go to Outback Steakhouse with Jenny's mom, Carla.  Good food was had by all.  

I did a nice deep blue stroke today, for the flag of this wonderful country.  I can't wait 'til I'm able to go walkabout!


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