Well, on the ol' Facebook, there are a bunch of people making the whole month of November into a big "Thanksgiving" by posting something they're thankful for everyday. I thought I might take a hint from them and at least do a few days of thanks, since I also have so much to be thankful for, despite the fact that the wife and I are both without gainful employment.
Just on that subject, I think we're both thankful for that unemployment to a certain extent - it got us out of jobs that neither of us cared for, sometimes even going as far as to literally have to drag ourselves to said jobs, we hated them so much! The time off has given both of us a chance to explore other options of making a living doing something we want to do for once, as opposed to slogging to work, clocking in, and just doing something that will pay the bills, but we'll be miserable doing. Hopefully things will work out so that we can both work for ourselves, and make a decent living doing it! That would be my American dream.
The one thing I am definitely thankful for, especially during this time, is that Jenny and I get along probably at least 95% of the time - not that we're having knock-down-drag-outs the other 5% of the time, mind you! We knew each other for a really long time (about a decade) before we ever even got serious enough to start thinking about marriage. Some of the best marriage advice I ever got was "Don't marry the one you can't live without - marry the one you can live with". We definitely took that to heart, as we did "Never go to bed angry". Those, I believe, are the foundations of a good marriage (besides the whole "love" thing, of course!) :-)
So, I am very thankful for my lovely Jennydoll - wouldn't trade her for all the Oreos in the whole world! I decided to do a stroke of one of her favorite colors today, just for her, so here's some of that nice Brilliant Purple she loves so much.
By the way, I'm trying to take pictures of it, but as I said last night, I think this camera's shooting craps (which I am far from thankful for, lemme tell ya!). If you don't see a pic right now, that's what's going on. I'll get a pic as soon as possible.
Lake Michigan
13 years ago
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