01 November 2010

Brush-a, Brush-a, Brush--ah!

We didn't do crap today, and we loved it!  Jenny had to get up this morning for a car appointment, but after that, we just decided that we'd done enough the last week, and we needed a day of rest.  We fixed a little lunch, and I grabbed the book I've been reading, "Let The Right One In", and settled down in my easy chair in the back room to read.  I woke up about an your later to find Jenny sitting in the back room also, doing some research on the computer.  :-)

I had heard about the movie, "Let The Right One In" several months ago, when I went through my big horror movie kick, and wanted to know what the scariest movies out there were.  This was the original, Swedish film, and I had never heard of it at the time. Gotta love the internet!  I rented it and watched it with the English dubbing - which I know you shouldn't do; it's usually preferable to read the subtitles - but I had heard that some of the US version's subtitles were translated poorly, and I wanted to get the most out of the film.  This book, however, is just fantastic!  There are a few portions of the book that are hard to read (content-wise, nothing to do with the language), but all in all, I'm really enjoying this book!  It's pretty hard to put down, unless you just simply fall asleep, like I did today! :-)

We got so comfy that we almost forgot about our bi-annual dentist appointments!  We both passed with flying colors, for those of you keeping score.  Our dentist is so cool - she's just really fun to be around, and really, the whole office takes an interest in what's going on in our lives (good or bad!)

I made a little bitty white stroke today, because while we both got good marks on our "dentist report card", we just barely got by - I know I didn't do a very good job flossing!  I'm just lazy that way!  I brush the tar outta them, though!  One of these days, I'm just gonna get a laser and clean my teeth myself! :-)

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