Jenny and I got up early this morning (well, early compared to "vacation" standards, in which we didn't even open our eyes before 8:30 or so) because my buddy Tom Pollard was coming by to spray the place for bugs. We really needed it, too - many Silverfish and Wolf Spiders have been found lately, much to the consternation of my lovely bride. I tell you what, if there was ever anyone who hates bugs and anything else crawly, Jenny's the one!
After the "Great Bug-Out" of 2010, we went outside (amongst the many creatures we were currently attempting to destroy) to mow the yard. We hadn't done that in over two weeks! Because of the high temperatures and lack of steady rain, though, there was really only about 1/5 of our yard that really needed cutting! Stupid "water grass"! If not for that section of the yard, we could probably get by not even mowing until next year (maybe)!
After that we cleaned up and took a drive out to Ballwin (near where she grew up) to go to Joanne's Fabric (slash-art-supply-store) to get some gesso for me. I got to take home a couple of pieces of partitions from office cubicles a couple of months ago, and I thought they'd really make some cool (if not really large) canvases. Only problem is that they're completely bare - basically like a piece of particle board with some sort of half-assed canvas stretched across it. What the gesso does is to "primer" the "canvas" so that I can paint on it and the paint will actually stick to it, rather than to merely soak into the fiber and the particle board, asi it would if not primered.
While we were out, we both noticed a couple of things: 1) school's gonna be starting this week, so that means the little rodents will be invading our yard again, and 2) for some reason, there are already (at only August 16th) trees changing colors, and even dropping leaves! This kinda freaked both of us out!
Now don't get me wrong - I love autumn! Not as much as Jenny does, but I love it just the same. Jenny would rather it be Autumn all year around - about 70°-75° during the day and about 60° at night - that would be Jen's ideal situation! I could go for the evening temperature, but I'd much rather have it about 80° during the day! I'm easy - I don't even need any variation! For the longest time I've wanted to move to either San Diego (too damned expensive) or Arizona (yeah, not doing that 'til things simmer down). I really hate cold and rain, as you (the faithful follower of this blog) know well, but I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle to actually make that a reality right now.
Anyway (!), seeing all of these trees already turning made me realize that there isn't much summer left! What the hell happened to the last 3 months?!? I swear I was just writing a blog about Memorial Day! It's just not right that these times go faster and faster! I realize that I'm getting older and older, and as we get older the days fly by faster, but man, this ain't right! I can literally remember the day a few months ago when I was thinking that we had all of this time to enjoy the summer, and now it's gone!
So today's stroke, as light as it may look, is a nice yellow/orange with some brown in it - with a touch of red, too. I may do another one of these later, but I wanted to commemorate the fact that Autumn was coming rapidly and ya better enjoy that summer breeze while you can!
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