14 June 2010

It's all the same - only the names have changed...

So I'm gonna keep it really simple again this evening.  Went over to my buddy Jason's house again to record some stuff - this time for a different reason, other than a Janson Gates album.  I can't say what it's for, though, so you'll have to just guess for a while.  I'll eventually tell ya, I promise!

I was pretty happy with what I got done tonight - drums, bass, 12-string, regular 6-string acoustic, and a little dirty electric.  I plan on going in later to lay down some lead guitar, and maybe some other stuff later. I'm thinking kazoo, and maybe a didgeridoo.  Whaddya think?

Anyway, I figured I'd do a nice little green - one that reminds me a lot of the green on my guitar - a Fender Stratocaster.  I don't know the year, or anything like that - I'm not too much of a techie like that, I just know what I like to play, that's all!

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