08 June 2010

Just bee's and thangs and flowers...

Well, there have been better days in the history of all days.  I woke up about 3:30 am with an absolutely splitting headache, then couldn't get back to sleep for over an hour, so when the alarm did go off this morning, I felt like absolute dog crap.  Went to work, not too bad, other than I was just "blah", and wanted nothing more than to go home.  Plus some really narsty weather was coming in pretty quickly. 

All of this was nothing, though, compared to what happened to some close family friends of Jenny's.  Her friend, Anne, lost her brother this morning to a terrible accident.  Obviously she and her whole family are completely devastated!  Jenny's family is pretty shaken up, too - they've known each other for almost 30 years.  Mike was almost like a little brother to her; a son to Jenny's parents. 

It all just makes you think, and makes you remember to always be thankful for every minute you have on this earth, and with the people you love.  I know I immediately contacted my sisters and told them how much I loved them!

Anyway, with everything going on, I felt that what was needed was a little sunshine, so I dug out some neon yellow and mixed it with some gloss gel.  Voila!  Instant ultra-bright sunshine!  This ray of light is for you, Anne, and your family.  God bless you!

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