28 April 2010

Revved up like a deuce...

Okay, so we're trying something new today.  Actually two things:  First, I'm typing this out before I insert the picture.  For some reason, the powers (geeks) that be at Google have decided to change how things are done when you do your blogs, and last night just took me for-friggin'-ever (part of the reason last night's was so short-and-not-so-sweet, for which I apologize, by the way)!

The other thing I'm trying this evening, and may just do every once in a while to keep it interesting is to take my glasses off, look at the painting, and figure out what I want to do.  I'm pretty darned blind without my glasses, so I see kind of blurry shapes, and I think it's kind of interesting to see just those instead of being able to focus on certain parts.  That leads to over-analyzing sometimes ("But Dave", you say, "you would never ever over-analyze anything!").  I thank you for your kindness, but you all know the truth.  :-)

So today was a beautiful day outside, unlike that past several days - and I believe it's supposed to get nasty again tomorrow or the next day, so I figured I'd take a cue from the skies again and put a little bit of that pretty Light Blue down today.  I'm not gonna tell you why I placed it where I placed it - maybe you can figure it out, if you can see it (which hopefully you can).  I will tell you it's not a huge stroke.  The thing I was seeing (without my glasses) didn't require a very big stroke, so there ya have it.  We'll see how this approach does every once in a while.

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