Man, was today a weird friggin' day! I woke up after sleeping in a bit - Jenny was already gone running some errands. I got up and did the dishes and cleaned up a little bit, then I decided on my project for the day: I wanted to sand and finish the closet doors. Not a problem. Ri-i-i-i-i-ight. Almost as soon as I decided that, I got a phone call, which took up a little bit of time, then Jenny called, saying that she'd be home soon.
When she got home we ran a couple of errands, and before you know it, we were back, and it was darn near 2 pm! After that I started helping Jenny move around some stuff here in the house - actually a pretty big project. We would have gotten done a lot sooner, so I could start my project, but there was a bit of a tornado scare (Man, did I ever want to link to that awesome clip of Stephen Stucker from "Airplane" doing the "Auntie Em, Auntie Em, it's a twister" line - I just couldn't find it!).
Stupid tornado scare! Keeping me from doing what I wanted to do, causing all sorts of problems, knocking over stuff, etc...
Anyway, while we were watching the news about the storm, Jenny noticed that the radar screen looked a lot like this painting. I looked at it, and by golly, it really did look like it! So, after a few minutes of scary stuff and a tornado touching down up by West County Mall and the Police Department right across the street, things got back to normal - the sun even came out again! Go figure. I did eventually get my doors off and out to the garage to start sanding. :-)
The weather, however, did inspire me to throw down a little tornadic action myself here tonight. I just mixed up some dark grey and maybe a little bit of green and I swirled it around a bit. Now I think I may swirl myself on up into the bed!
Lake Michigan
13 years ago
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