Yeah, so I let it slip to my supervisor today that the basketball games were online. As soon as those words left my lips, I knew it was a mistake. He had been telling me beforehand that the Mizzou-Clemson game started at 1:35 pm (which I knew, but whatever) and that I should keep him up to date on the latest scores. I also knew that the games from the first couple of rounds of the tournament would be broadcast online, but I told myself I wasn't going to say anything about that.
I'm not really sure what happens in the space between deciding I won't say anything and the part where my mouth starts saying crap I don't want it to say. I heard a comedian just yesterday talking about how women think everything through before they say it and guys just say it, occasionally with the addendum that it seemed like a good idea at the time. This was not a good idea. I didn't get into trouble or anything - I know my brain would have stopped me from saying anything if I thought there would be any problems there. It's just that as soon as he heard that it was streaming online, I lost the use of my computer for the rest of the day. Didn't get to get a damned thing done. Oh well - at least it was just a lazy Friday afternoon. Most everyone was already gone anyway, so we just kind of made it look like we were working occasionally (which I'm positive fooled everyone - right), and just watched Mizzou eventually beat Clemson to progress to the next round of the tournament! Woo hoo! Now they take on West Virginia (who struggled a bit in the first round against Morgan State. You are correct in wondering who the hell Morgan St. is). Maybe the Tigers can pull that one off, too. That'd be great!
Anyway, I gotta get outta here - going over to Jason's to record some more drums. Hopefully this recording process won't take too long, and I'll have something to post soon so you's guys can hear what we've been working on! Rawk!
Lake Michigan
13 years ago
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