That's exactly what I was saying a couple of hours ago. Well, that and some snoring. I had a really, really nice, relaxing - yet somewhat firm - massage. Jenny found out a while back that you can get a 50-minute massage at the Allied College for 25 clams! Oh, yeah! It's all students that are getting their final "hands-on" training - they're all about to graduate - it's not like it's their first day in class and they're all just pounding on you, not knowing what the hell they're doing! :-)
Man, did that 50 minutes fly by! I feel so much better than when I went in, though. Jenny was out in the car waiting for me, and she had to ask if I was alright, cuz I guess I looked like I was half-dazed (which, I guess I was).
We got home, grabbed a quick bite, and I wanted to keep the "soothing feeling" going, so I grabbed the most soothing color I could think of at the moment, and so here we have a nice little smooth swipe of cobalt blue. Ain't that nice? It starts breaking up a little, then stops dead at the glass beads - which ended up looking really cool, by the way!
Well, it's time to give Jenny a little soothing, then off to bed. For some more snoring. That would be Jen, of course. :-) JUST KIDDING, BABY!
Lake Michigan
13 years ago
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