Holy cats, folks, I'm absolutely plum tuckered! We got up this morning after doing the whole reception thing last night, feeling a little rough - little scratchy throat going on, which hasn't subsided. We drove down Addison St. to take some pics of Wrigley Field, but we weren't going to pay $30 to park just for a second to take some derned pictures, so we just slowed down a little bit and took some out the window. We headed down Lake Shore Drive, shooting as we went, but we didn't stop downtown. We just kept on driving and hit I-55 south and headed on home.

When we pulled in, around 3:45, we were both just drained. We dragged everything into the house and then just crashed on the couch (at least I did - Jenny loaded up a buncha pics from the trip up onto Facebook).
It was a really great trip, and I'm so happy for Robert and Jo Beth! Next time Jenny and I go up there, though, we're gonna make sure to have nothing on the calendar so we can just strictly see the sights!
Something I don't ever remember seeing while making that trip before is the big ol' windmill farms in between Springfield and, say, Bloomington/Normal. Just huge fields of these big white windmills! That's what today's stroke is about. Yeah, it looks a little bit like a "
schwa". That's okay. "Schwa"s are underappreciated in my opinion, and they don't get the attention they truly deserve.
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