There have often been special guest hosts who went on to host major television shows: Ryan Seacrest was a guest host on Casey Kasem's "American Top 40" before Kasem retired and Seacrest took over. Jay Leno (who was arguably much funnier at the time) guest-hosted for the mighty Johnny Carson before he beat out [the better candidate] David Letterman to take over that top spot (a spot which he had to fight tooth and nail for over the years, occasionally yielding to Letterman's better numbers). Yeah, as you could probably guess, I'm much more a Letterman fan that Leno. I also liked Conan a lot more, too. Truth be told, though, I'll take Craig Ferguson over the lot of 'em. This is a brilliant monologue he delivered a couple of years ago - kind of serious, but he's just so damned funny every night! He and Conan O'Brien were the only talk show hosts who stayed in production over the writer's strike a couple of years ago because they write their own stuff! So, yeah, I'll take that over the watered-down corporate crap on the other shows any night (not that I ever get to stay up to see 'em, but ya know)!
Anyway, I decided tonight that I'd like to have a "guest painter" for the night. I was asking Jenny for her advice (she's definitely my muse in all of this, as she is for pretty much anything creative that I do) and she asked if she could possibly do a stroke. After I grilled her a minute or two on her aspirations and intentions, I decided that she would be a worthy guest host tonight.
She picked the color (yellow), but I asked her not to use the big-ass brush she originally had in her hand. She did, however, pick the location. I can't remember exactly why she picked that particular spot, and neither can she, other than "it just looked like it should go there". Good enough for me. Regular scheduled programming will resume tomorrow. Until then, good night, and good morning.
Lake Michigan
13 years ago
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