07 February 2010

Have ya heard?

Apparently there's some sort of sporting event being played today.  Something-Bowl.  Salad, maybe?  Dust?  I can't remember.  All I know is Miami's a happenin' friggin' place today, and I wish I could be down there!

This should be a really great game, actually - really looking forward to it.  Watching all the pre-game hoopla now - the sappy, feel-good stories about  New Orleans, and high school football teams who had players die, etc.  We're getting ready for Katie Couric's interview with the President.  Because when I think of football, I think Katie Couric and the President.  Right. 

I'm really not sure who'll win - I expect the Colts to win, but you never know about these Saints this year - they're just flat-out tough all around!  I guess I'm rooting for the Saints, although I don't care who wins this year, as I like both teams.  I've always been a Peyton Manning fan, but I love an Underdog Story like New Orleans has had this year.  The only reason I did blue and white today is because I didn't have the right colors to put down for the Saints!  No gold in this house!

Well, we're on our way out the door to go watch the game on her dad's big ol' HDTV!  W00T!  Goooooooooo Saints! WHO DAT?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:20 PM

    After this last stroke, I think it looks like a ski-jumper, bent and ready for the bell. Probably thought of it since Lilly loves to try that game on the Wii and usually ends up rolling down the hill in a big snowball - followed by fits of giggling :) Jenn
